At Atlantic Boat in Portland, they were getting ready to marry the hull and deck of this 31-foot launch after the Coast Guard gave their blessing. This one will be going to the Portland Yacht Club in Falmouth.

Deep Cove Marine Services in Eastport has a Libby 41 lobster boat in from Cutler for an extension on her stern.
Atlantic Boat, Brooklin, ME
They have under construction a Duffy 42 being finished off as a research vessel with a flybridge for a customer in New Hampshire. She will have a full interior, power is a 500-hp Cummins and she will sport a lot of custom components including an A-frame (being built by Cumberland Ironworks) for towing scientific instruments. She is progressing well and many of the parts needed have already arrived at the yard. She will be launched the beginning of the year and will be used for towing test gear around the New England coast.
Also underway is a 31-foot yacht club launch for the Portland Yacht Club in Falmouth, their second one. The hull and deck were ready to marry, but they were awaiting Coast Guard approval, which was expected soon. She is scheduled to be delivered the end of April.
A resort in Florida ordered two launches with full enclosures last year and they have returned and ordered another one. Atlantic Boat spent a lot of time with the Coast Guard to get them approved to carry the same number of people the ones without the enclosure carries, which is 24 passengers. The frame work is done by Cumberland Iron Works and the canvas work by Hallett Canvas and Sails in Falmouth. It is thought that they will order another one before summer arrives.
The other boat in the main shop is a sailboat TANTUM II from New Hampshire and she is being repowered with a three-cylinder Yanmar. She will then get her annual maintenance.
Around the yard they have a lot of boats undergoing a variety of work. Most of this is regular annual maintenance, with lots of system work, paint and varnish.
One boat was formerly owned by Giffy Full and she has new owners and they are making some changes. She has gotten a new sole and some other general joiner work in the galley area and an aft settee with storage underneath it. Her new owners like cruising the coast and doing overnighters, and are planning to return next year and do more upgrades.
Outside is a brand new 48 hull that the owner decided to stop work on and walked away from it. Anyone looking for a Duffy 48 to finish out here is your chance. A few people have been looking, but no one has signed on the dotted line yet.
Atlantic Boat will soon offer a 29-foot boat, powered with outboards. They see a good market for this and along with several of their other models will begin marketing further south, especially southern New England. The 29 is built off the 26 mould and will be offered with a cuddy cabin, V-berth and head, and powered with twin 150 outboards. Since it is a good sea boat and is priced right it should sell very well in the Cape Cod, Buzzards Bay, Islands and Newport areas.
Presently they are concentrating on getting their storage customers ready for the summer season, which will keep them very busy right up to the beginning of summer. Atlantic does mostly inside storage, but this will likely change next year as they hope to offer some outside storage. They have a lot space and this they plan to clear this summer and get it ready to store boats on in the fall.
Deep Cove Marine Services, Eastport, ME
They have been renting space from the Friends of the Boat School and have two major projects underway in the former paint shop. Presently they have a Libby 41 from Cutler in having a 16-inch composite extension added to her stern. Once this is fitted they will make repairs to the rails and replace the deck tiles on the platform.
Just behind the Libby 41 is a wooden Pembroke runabout that is being completely rebuilt. They have put in floors and replaced the cockpit platform, replaced the windshield and fore deck, then glassed the fore and side decks; engine is in and they are now fairing the topsides. She is scheduled to go over late this spring or early summer.
Another big power boat, a Huckins, was in before this where the Libby 41 is now sitting. She received mechanical maintenance and rot repair around the deck joints. She had never been glassed inside the anchor locker and this has caused rot with some of the uncovered wood. Two years ago they replaced some of the rub-rail and deck and were hoping this would solve the problem, but it seems it has not and to replace the decks totally is a major project.
Over in the other shop is a wooden power cruiser and she had some rot repair replaced in the horn timber. She also had work done on her steering gear and now she is getting painted.
Next they will change the deck configuration on a Novi so the owner can haul by himself. Basically they are going to make her into a split wheelhouse lobster boat with duel steering stations.
This will be followed by a Skye 51 coming in for some joiner work down below; a Donnell commercial boat to be repowered, and then an older fiberglass Chris Craft to have her engine block changed out.
They store about 120 boats every winter and all of these will need some work before they go over, which will keep the yard busy right into the summer season.
Edgecomb Boatworks, Edgecomb
In one of the bays in the main shop they have a new Holland 32 getting her final touches before being launched in May. They are currently finishing up the teak joiner work, wiring and the painting below. The end of March they were putting in the electronics, stereo and wiring it up. They are still waiting on some items that need to go in, but they are expected this to arrive early April. She is powered with a 550-hp Cummins and should be pretty quick and in fact she may be racing at the first race of the year in Boothbay. She would be in Diesel Class G and that means she will need to be over 40 mph to best the top boats in this class.
In the next bay they were working on a 25-foot Lyman, which was getting a lot of brightwork refinished. They had finished her annual maintenance, added trim tabs and she was headed back out to the storage shed. Coming in next was a 23-foot Lyman for hull paint and then three Boothbay Harbor One-Designs for cosmetics and varnish.
A Padebco 21 was in earlier and they installed a T-top on and a new helm seat and then varnish her brightwork.
A Grady White was in for some work on her outboard bracket and transom. They had to remove the bracket and strip off the paint, locate a leak, repair that and then put it all back together and repaint. The owner always carries his small inflatable on the cabin top and straps it down when out cruising. They made a custom setup to make getting it up on the cabin top easier. She was then loaded on her trailer and ready to go home with her owner.
A Sabre 36 will be in and they need to pull the shafts and replace the stuffing boxes and re-align the engines.
This will be followed by an Island Packet Packetcraft, a 36-foot powerboat, powered with a pair of 370 Yanmars. She needs some electronic work and some engine work.
Next is a Little Harbor Whisper Jet 40, but they are waiting for the new mufflers, which they will be replacing along with the rest of the exhaust system. The deck has been removed and once the new exhaust system is in they will put a new teak deck. Next year they are planning to replace the bridge deck with one of teak.
Not enough? Then they have a 36-foot Hunt powerboat coming in so they can replace the gaskets in the sliding windows on the side of the shelter.
John Williams Boat Yard, Hall Quarry
They have a new Stanley 28 under way, being finished off as a bass boat, for a customer from Northeast Harbor. She will have a three-sided teak windshield, teak cockpit and seating for six or eight people. For seating there is a custom stern and helm and nav seating. Down below she has a V-berth and a head to port and is powered with a 250-hp Yanmar diesel. She also sports trim tabs, bronze hardware, including a bronze windlass and a teak bowsprit. She will be going over this summer.
A Cal 39 is in for a complete refit. They have removed all the deck hardware and rebedded it as there were numerous deck leaks. They also redid the hull and deck joint, taking off the toe rail, lifting the deck, rebedded that refastened that and added a new toe rail. She was also repowered with a Yanmar diesel, new refrigeration, bilge pumps, water system, fuel tank, wiring, and new cabin sides on the interior overhead.
A Hinckley Bermuda 40 was recently purchased and is in for some changes and to be repowered. The new owner used to charter a B-40 and opted last year to buy one. The changes include new refrigeration, water heater, A/C, shore system, dodger, cushions, countertops in the head and galley, redoing the nav-area and adding some electronics.
The paint bay has been busy all winter. They are painting the hull of two Hinckley B40s and soda blasting their bottoms, which was done before they were repainting. These will be followed by a Back Cove 37 and a Calvin Beal 33.
They store between 30 and 35 wooden boats and every one of these needs paint and varnish for the season.
The brokerage continues to be busy. Inventory is low but demand is really high so they are looking for listings at this point to try to fill buyer’s need.
Out in the yard they have purchased a new 25-ton hydraulic yard trailer from Brownell. This will make moving boats around the yard much more efficient.
Lyman-Morse Boatbuilding, Thomaston
On April 1st, launched the second hull of the LM46 series in Thomaston, Maine. Just like hull #1, Arcadia is a high performance, cold-molded sailing yacht that features the comfort and ambience of a wooden yacht, while delivering 10 knots of speed under both power and sail. The LM46 is a collaboration between Lyman-Morse founder Cabot Lyman, his son and company president Drew Lyman, and Kiwi designer Kevin Dibley.
Arcadia differs slightly from Hull #1 as she features a deeper 7’7” draft keel for better performance on the race course and a second head for increased comfort while either cruising or racing. The owner is what some would describe as a “Newport Bermuda Race Regular”, who previously owned a J/42 and has been a service customer of Lyman-Morse for decades. So, when the design for the LM46 debuted, he knew this was a boat he needed to have. –“Having raced in 10 Newport Bermuda races, I saw the LM46 as the perfect competitor for the race. While speed is definitely a top priority, comfort makes the race that much more enjoyable and I saw the LM46 as being the best of both worlds. Having been a long-time service customer of Lyman-Morse, I knew the build technology and quality would be the best of the best.” -Owner of Arcadia
Arcadia features a powerful cruising rig with swept-back spreaders and 1,183 square feet of sail, including a square top main, that gives the LM46 an impressive turn of speed. When conditions are right, this yacht can click off 240 miles per day, while the wooden hull and comfortable displacement-length ratio of 133, allows for one-handed steering or easy steering by autopilot, no matter the weather.
Drew Lyman and a team from Lyman-Morse were able to gain some offshore miles last fall onboard LM46 hull #1, having sailed the round-trip from Camden, ME to Newport, RI last fall. “The LM46 is everything we expected and more. While sailing through Cape Cod Bay, we hit a top speed of 13.6 knots and she definitely had more in her. Additionally, the crew and I were all extremely comfortable during the 26-hour delivery. While the boat is undoubtedly quick, I think a lot of people will be most amazed with the cruising capabilities this yacht provides.”-Drew Lyman
One word sums up the layout and design of the LM46: Soul. Step below and enjoy a seat in the spacious salon and take in the V-groove overhead and combination of painted and bright-finished bulkheads and trim – you’ll instantly find yourself transported from your daily life to somewhere quieter, simpler, more elegant. When Kevin Dibley and Cabot Lyman got together in 2018 to come up with plans for a 46’ sailboat, they knew they needed to design a yacht that would stand out amongst the typical fiberglass production boats. “The goal was to design a modern classic and that started with the idea to build the boat using cold-molded construction. Through Lyman-Morse having in-house CNC machines and experience using modern materials such as Carbon in some of the critical load areas, I knew we could design a yacht that would be fast, stiff, and beautiful” says Kiwi designer Kevin Dibley.
Lyman-Morse’s vision for the LM46 is to build a series of these yachts with the goal of starting a one-design class. However, just like any vessel built by Lyman-Morse, the LM46 will be highly customizable to the fit the exact needs and desires of its owners. The LM46 offers three different cabin configurations (see below) along with three keel configurations beginning with the shoal draft at 6’, a deeper performance-oriented keel at 7’7”, and for those looking to step it up a notch, a 10’ draft option is also available. Additionally, there is a long list of options that include a more powerful engine, retractable bow thruster, electric winches, and a robust sail package just to name a few.
Oceanville Boat Works, Sunrise, Stonington
There are two commercial lobster boats inside, a Duffy 42 and a Lowell 43.
MAINLY TEXAS, the Duffy, was stripped out from the bulkhead back. They first installed a new 750-hp John Deere and added a bigger air intake. They then redid the gelcoat under the platform and in the engine room, added Soundown, then added new fuel tanks and placed them further aft, and then replaced the platform, which is now all composite. When replacing the deck they made sure the owner could get to everything underneath it, which he could not do before.
The Lowell has received all new hatches, new rubber decking, redid some of the gelcoat and windows.
Next in will be a Wayne Beal 36, which they will be finishing off as a lobster boat and this will be followed by an Osmond 50.
Just launched was a Mussel Ridge 54 KILL SHOT. The loved the setup he had in his other Mussel Ridge and they duplicated the lay-out in this one.
Padebco Boat, Round Pond
During the fall, winter and spring, they rotate boats out of the storage shed into the work shop getting them all ready for the upcoming season. They are presently on their fourth rotation.
In the back of the shop they have a Padebco 27, which is getting new owners and a new engine, when they can get it. A Padebco 29 is getting a pretty extensive refit, which includes pilothouse windows, but before the windows could go in they needed to address some rot in the pilothouse deck beams. A Hinckley Pilot has a new owner and they have a list of items they want done. She is getting new pilothouse fixed glass, bottom redone and varnish. There were also numerous smaller repairs needing attention that has been addressed. A fiberglass Herreshoff Rozinante comes in every year for varnish. What is interesting about this boat is that she is powered with an electric drive. Last year they added the ability to power the bilge pumps and this year they added in the navigational lights. Behind the Rozinante is CYCLE TIME, which has been a multi-year project. When it first arrived at the yard she was soft top and they changed this to a hard top. Later they removed the twin gasoline engines and replaced with twin Cummins diesels. The engines are back in, but before that could happen they replaced the fuel tanks and removed the gen-set, made repairs to a leaking hose, and put the gen-set back in. The major worry about this project is getting her in and out of the building, which is done by a mere fraction of an inch. Once outside they will put the tower back on before she goes over for the season.
ARCHANGEL, a Padebco 32, has been in storage for a couple years due to Covid, but this year she is getting readied for the season, but she is also for sale. Presently, both engines are out and new fuel tanks are going in. The engines will go back in and she will get her annual maintenance and more detailing since she is going on the market.
Several years ago, three Padebco 21s arrived at the yard to be refurbished and since then they have had a few come in every year to made look like new. This year they have already done four. The amount of work on each depends on how old the boats is and how well the customer took care of it. Most get their systems checked and replaced if needed, polished, bottom redone, paint and varnish.
Coming in will be a 28-foot Canadian power boat, which suffered damage after a grounding. Any fiberglass damage will be replaced as well as the bent rudder.
They have more storage customers this year, about 20, than they have had previously. Many are ready for the water and barring any major issues the rest will be ready too. Their inside space is sold out and they are pretty maxed out with their outside space. When asked about more inside space, it was pointed out that the original boat shop on the lower at the lower yard needs to be jacked up and repaired and that will come first.